We're different. We believe in authentic care, NOT PROFITS.

Our commitment runs so deep that we personally invest in these services—


Don't take our word for it.

Read our community members' stories and see their transformations for yourself.


“I truly believe the Aya MIssion can save lives and bring peace”


”I have undergone traditional mental health treatment for more than a decade within one ayahuasca ceremony, i learned more about myself and my trauma than everything provided by the department of defense and the department of veteran’s affairs combined.”

— anonymous


“AYAHUASCA didn’t give me revelations, she gave me a family. i know they will love me UNTIL i learn to love myself”

— anonymous


“ayahuasca allowed me to find healing for trauma in my life….. i highly recommend it to anyone needing spiritual healing or mental trauma healing.”

— name withheld

Ayahuasca allowed me to find healing for my trauma in my life...I highly recommend it to anyone needing spiritual, or mental trauma healing.
— R.F